Posts by Rula Vam

To bigger, better things!

Yeesh! It’s been a WHILE, so thought I’d write a quick post about what I’ve been up to.

Creative Job Hunt – Part 2

As promised, here’s part two. Recap: I hit a dead end with my job hunt, so a few weeks ago I decided to...

Creative Job Hunt – Part 1

Since completing my Masters I have actively been seeking opportunities in Ad Agencies in Dublin. As this isn’t my first go at getting...

Why am I obsessed with zombies?

Zombies are supposed to be a bad thing, right? A virus that turns humans into non-sensical, flesh-eating piles of rotting...

Master of Advertising

Two weeks ago today I was officially awarded a First Class Honours, graduating from the MSc in Advertising. I can...

The Results Are In!

Well, it’s been almost a month since my last post, and despite by continuous promises for more regular blogging I...

MSc in Advertising – A bumpy ride

I first started a blog about 3 years ago, but after a mishap with my web hosting I lost the...

Blog entry No.1 – Hello World

Blog entry No.1 – Hello World

Dear reader, Wherever you may be, thank you for stopping by. This is the third time I have changed/updated my...

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